I currently work for a company which handles and redistributes large amounts of used books. Consequently, I go though thousands of books a day. My favorite part of my job is coming across really weird books, and even better: coming across the weird, interesting, hilarious things people leave tucked inside of books. Thus the birth of this blog. Here is my collection.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

weird books

We'll start with this little guy. Because WHO doesn't love a little kitty head with a huge man body. And a tie. Hilarious. I read the back, and this novel is literally about a man, who wakes up one day as a kitten. An adorable kitten. 

I found this little number today. This is one of those "girl who gets made fun of for her physical appearance and later shows them that she's really awesome and her heart is made out of precious gems" books. I understand maybe some extra fat, buck teeth, a withered hand, hell even a third boob. But a square head? WHY? Well, until I looked at the "about the author" section. Where to my discovery was a photograph of the author, who's head resembled a large square. Awesome.

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